Custom Web Development Company

A forefront Custom web Development Company wave front technologies has distinctive design and specific development of applications to establishments for their unique solutions. The conventional software product development typically created for specific entity. The similarity business requirements of every companies are exceptional thus lead to a new software solution to apt for it. Our experienced team members catering to build corporate application to our valued clients depend on their requirements. With the competitive environment right to pick the company that provide a Cen-percent solution. We provide high level of services at reasonable price.

As Wikipedia states: “Node.js is a packaged compilation of Google’s V8 JavaScript engine, the libuv platform abstraction layer, and a core library, which is itself primarily written in JavaScript.” 

Node.js has been a revolutionary, why so? Simply because it employs a push technology over web sockets. It’s a platform that fills a particular requirement.  It is capable of handling huge number of connections with a high throughput and this means, scalability. NPM, a built-in tool, available in different versions and dependency management.


For enterprise applications Node.js is the new standard. Many have switched over to boost performance and productivity. It ranks in the top most-in-demand developer skills. Codes execute faster here than any other languages.

Cross-Functional Teams

In a cross-functional team every member is responsible for the entire lifecycle of the app, right from writing code, testing, hosting, deployment, and its maintenance. This team, by far, is made up of experts.


Node.js, operates on a single thread, and this allows it to handle a million concurrent connections. It embraces scalability, with features such as the Cluster module. Tools, such as the PM2 process manager, make monitoring easier, optimize easily and easily deploy Node applications.

Long Term Support

Notifications and release of major updates Node.js is maintained for 18 months from the date it enters LTS, after which it is transitioned to the maintenance mode which lasts for another 12 months. During this time all bug fixes or security updates will be taken care of.

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